Well documented works


The following works have been published by the IEEE.

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An Improved and Optimized Content-Aware Resizing Algorithm for Images with Densely Situated Foreground Objects

2018, Chennai, India

Published in International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET)

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An Adaptive Warp Correction Algorithm for Handwritten Text Images with Non-Linear Baselines

2018, Bangalore, India

Published in 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)

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A Novel Technique for Unwarping Curved Handwritten Texts Using Mathematical Morphology and Piecewise Affine Transformation

2018, Bangalore, India

Published in 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)

Want Some Cool Stuff?

Recent Projects

Here are some of the recent works of mine. These mostly include the projects done during the time of my graduation.

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Fun Facts

I am an all round hobbyist with almost all sorts of hobbies a person can have. 9/10 people can straight up relate to me due to this.
Some special hobbies include debugging of all sorts, hardware to software, you name it.

I follow the mantra of logic and critical thinking rather than brute force knowledge.

Below are a few rough statistics of my Problem Solving phase:

1K+ Hours spent
1+ Topics Touched
1+ Projects Done
1+ People Helped
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